Configure your room
When selecting your Zuma products it is important to think about the room you are setting up, such as the rooms dimensions and structural light source*.
For standard homes we recommend the following guidelines:
Kitchens and bathrooms
1.2m spacing between units.
Living rooms and bedrooms
1.8m spacing between units.
* For optimal kitchen solutions with multiple unit orders, please contact us for a free virtual home survey.
Zuma Luminaire or Lumisonic?
Generally, the more Lumisonics there are, the better. However, some helpful guidance in line with our unit recommendation is a 60/40 split.
Useful Tips Place Lumisonics above places they are going to be utilised the most and seating areas.
Position Zuma’s ideally 1m from the wall or full-height cabinet.

Image (left): Zuma App showing zones
Illustrative purposes only.
In this example we have placed a higher ratio of Lumisonics in high activity areas, such as the living room, dining area and kitchen. The ratio decreases parallel to the rooms utilisation and function as seen in the bathroom and master bedroom, which have a greater split compared to the second bedroom.